The History of Pooky

In the Fall of 1998, Pooky began his orphaned life somewhere along the northern New Jersey shoreline. It was here that Pooky discovered his inner catness as he struggled, adapted and blended into the multiple personality seaside towns that afforded him in varying degrees, a warm space to rest or a much needed meal.

Eventually, Pooky became a regular on the grounds of a harborside apartment complex. He knew it well.

From the nearby clam shack that left plenty of scraps, to the waterfront meadow and shade trees, it became his favorite spot for eating, sleeping and hunting.

Some days, when he found everything he needed, he even had time to hunt for sport instead of survival.
Pooky was barely four months old for his first winter. On a cold wintry night with raining sleet and ice, Pooky did what he had to in order to survive. He sniffed out some shelter through the door of an open stairway, walked up the stairs to a landing, and made his bed in a corner outside the door of an apartment.
When morning came, the door opened and Pooky was still there. Apparently over sleeping, and not prepared for a long shadow suddenly cast over him, he was startled and scampered away. Even so, he felt lucky to have found a warm niche for the night.
Pooky knew the weather wasn’t getting better any time soon. He would have to find another spot for shelter and work harder to find food. He liked that spot at the top of the stairs. As long as he timed his exit early enough. But, food became scarce, and he grew tired of fighting the odds one cold day after another. He had seen many cats in the same complex looking healthy and happy. Certainly, well fed and sheltered. What were they doing different, than he was? What made them special? Nothing, he surmised. They just happen to be in the right place at the right time. So, why not he?
He decided to try something new. Instead of running away each morning from the long shadow in the doorway, Pooky decided to stay. This was the way he was going to make it through the Winter in one piece. Perhaps, to make it at all.The next morning when the door opened, he looked up and waited for something to happen. The door stayed open, and soon enough, Pooky realized he was invited in to be a friend. He accepted, and the rest is…history.